EUCNC CONASENSE 2024 Workshop – Towards an interdisciplinary and sustainable 6G Edge-Cloud continuum
Workshop: 03.06.2024; EUCNC 2024 03.06.2024-06.06.2024
Organisers: Rute C. Sofia (fortiss GmbH, PT); Ramjee Prasad (CTIF Global Capsule, DK); Paulo Rufino (CTIF Global Capsule, DK), Javier Serrano (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid)
The COmmunication, NAvigation, SENsing and SErvices (CONASENSE) platform is an interdisciplinary 6G brainstorming and dissemination platform that aims to foster the development of novel 6G digital services to support the further development of society.
The definition of a sustainable 6G ecosystem requires an interdisciplinary debate that can bring together experts from different fields, including communications, sensing, human-centric and sustainable services. Driving this vision from a technology perspective is the use of virtualisation and softwarisation to support many active devices while integrating a high degree of adaptability.
CONASENSE 2024 focuses on the need to address such adaptation from a cross-layer perspective, where computation and networking are intertwined via softwarization and via an AI-based knowledge plane.
The main objective of the workshop is to bring together an interdisciplinary perspective on 6G, stemming from research being developed in Europe and other continents. The workshop will be driven by the 6G CONASENSE platform, with the support of the HE CODECO (cognitive continuum), HE NEMO (next generation meta-OS) and HE INSTAR (cross-country standardisation) projects.
The workshop proposes to bring together novel work across complementary 6G perspectives: communications; satellites and navigation; sensing; 6G use-cases and services.
Such vision can be applied to a wide range of scenarios, encompassing:
• Services that integrate cooperation forms between AI and humans at the far Edge, e.g., via the integration of non- intrusive sensing of social
• Services for highly mobile scenarios across different sectors, where there is a need for Edge-to- Edge orchestration and Edge-Cloud orchestration.
• Considering the network as a sensing and navigation/localization service, to further extend the reach of existing navigation and localization systems to areas usually out of reach, e.g., areas affected by disaster.
• Digital twinning in large-scale (e.g., for the purpose of city services) and considering intermittent connectivity.
• Assistive services considering different demographics and different vertical markets, e.g., Manufacturing (e.g., worker security), Smart Cities (e.g., mobility support for the elderly or for children).
The debate on 6G services and technologies, considering different domains and the use of AI to develop technological solutions by integrating human behaviour (e.g. trustworthiness, mobility) and sustainable design, brings innovation disruption and has the potential to create impact in terms of novel services, thus driving technological design towards societal advancement.
Derived from the workshop, the organizers shall edit an open access book with chapters based on the best presentations and focusing on the technological advancements and standardization. The book will be part of the CONASENSE book series, edited by River publishers.
Agenda (CEST)
9:00-9:15 Welcoming, Rute C. Sofia (fortiss GmbH, Germany), Ramjee Prasad (CTIF GLOBAL CAPSULE, Department of Business Development and Technology, Aarhus University, Herning, Denmark)
9:15-9:50 Session 1 CONASENSE international perspectives on 6G (30m). Invited speakers from the CONASENSE community will bring the perspective on the current 6G roadmaps and country challenges
Chair: Paulo Rufino
• Perspectives on 6G in India, Dr. Vandana Rohokale (SITS, India) – 10m
• Perspectives on 6G in Brazil: A SMARTNESS View, Dr. Christian Esteve Rothenberg (SMARTNESS/UNICAMP, Brazil), 10m
Q/A – 15m
9:50-10:30 Session 2: CONASENSE advanced topics. Invited speakers from the CONASENSE community will bring a technological perspective on key CONASENSE topics (sensing, communications, satellites and navigation, services).
Chair: Rute Sofia
• Wi-Fi based active sensing, the 6G-SENSES approach (Valerio Frascolla, Intel Germany) – 10m
• NTN perspective, Maria Guta, ESA 10m
• Q/A 15m
10:30-11:00 Coffee-break
11:00-11:40 Session 4: Next-Generation Meta-Operating system for the AIoT-Edge-Cloud-continuum – NEMO session (1h30m).The HE ΝΕΜΟ project establishes itself as the gamechanger of the AIoT-edge-cloud continuum by introducing an open source, modular and cybersecure meta-operating system, leveraging on existing technologies and introducing novel concepts, methods, tools, testing and engagement campaigns. In this session, NEMO will bring its perspective on the need for a metaOS network management for 6G.
Chair: Javier Serrano
• AI and IoT integration in the Cloud-Edge continuum, the NEMO approach, Terpsi Velivassaki, Synelixis Solutions (10m)
• Intent-based meta-Network Management in the 5G/6G era, Luis Miguel Contreras, Telefonica (10m)
• Smart Media Use Case delivered through the meta-OS, Javier Serrano, UPM (10m)
• NEMO environment for new game-changers, Dimitrios Skias, Netcompany-Intrasoft (10m)
11:40-12:20 Session 5: 6G and Edge-Cloud continuum – CODECO session
The HE CODECO project is developing a reference cognitive orchestration architecture for the IoT-Edge-Cloud addressing data-compute-network. In this session, CODECO speakers will present the CODECO OSS toolkits and the operation of its network management component to support 6G heterogeneous networks.
Chair: Rute Sofia
• Network Management and Adaptability in CODECO for CDNs, Luis M. Contreras, Telefonica (10m)
• The CODECO OSS Toolkit, Vasileios Theodorou, Intracom-Telecom(10m)
• Experimenting with CODECO and EdgeNet, Leftheris Mamatas, ATHINA (10m)
• Q/A 10m
12:20-12:30 Session 6: INSTAR international perspective (6G standardization) (10m)
• The INSTAR approach to international 6G standardization, Rute C. Sofia